Bach Flower Consultation Service

Daily, as human beings, we go through worries and strains. Worldly situations and personal circumstances produce in us a certain level of anxiety, fear, worry, sleeplessness, etc. A consultation is beneficial for both adults and children who are dealing with emotional tumults.

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Vanesa Miori


Patricio P - Powerline Technician

I like it because it is a natural therapy and does not harm the body compared to most drugs. They helped me space out the headaches and their intensity. In my daily life it helped me control anxiety and feel more relaxed. I recommend it to all people who want to start a natural, efficient therapy and that do not generate any type of addiction.

Audrey – College Student

For me, the best thing about the remedies was that they helped my menstrual pain go away. I don’t know how it worked, but I am so glad it did. The remedies have helped me feel calmer in turbulent times. They may not be able to change the stressful situations, but they can change my emotions as I deal with the situation. I also like that it’s all natural.

Lucila M. – Manager

I  found amazing results on my emotional and mental state from this natural  method rather than having to turn to medication. The best thing that I have experienced in my Bach Flower therapy is the removal of my constant, and I do mean constant, fast heart palpitations caused by my anxiety. I used to think that I would always live with my heart beating extremely fast and eventually have health complications. I just could not imagine a life in which my heart would slow down but after about a month of taking my remedy  mix I was almost brought to tears when I realized that my heart was extremely calm. A few weeks after that, I couldn’t make my heart race like it used to even when I went through situations that would have sent me into an anxiety induced panic attack previously.  Bach Flowers have reduced my anxiety tremendously which has been a game changer in my day-to-day life. With my anxiety being under control I have found that I am a lot more confident personally and professionally. I am able to talk to people more freely, take charge on projects, and express myself without fear. I think it is very important to come into Bach Flower therapy with an open mind and willing to stick through the process. I noticed some things my therapist, Vanesa Miori, and I were addressing with my mix were solved very quickly but there were a few that lasted a few months. All in all, I have loved my Bach Flower journey so far.
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